Saturday, February 12, 2011

Expanding rectums! What the...

It's been a month (at least) since the last warm day.  And of course it just happened to coincide with the Annual Beekeeper workshop run by EMBA!  The same thing happened last year.  Cold for ages, and when it finally did warm up and we could get into the hives, we were all inside in an all-day meeting!!!

There are clear signs that both hives are alive and well. But my poor girls must have been desperate to go for a wee!  Do they cross all of their legs when they hold on? Still, they all seem to have taken the opportunity to gop on clensing flights today and have also done some housework!

Anyway a lot of cleaning of dead bodies has been going on and this is clearly shown on the backdrop of snow.  I will try and go in to the hives tomorrow to see what I can see.  Maybe I'll feed, maybe I'll rearrange the frames I don't know, but it will make interesting viewing. We learned today that bees have expanding rectums and can hold on for up to 6 weeks!  How useful is that!

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