Saturday, June 25, 2011

Honey Harvest - Phase 1

Well we're off! Phase 1 of the Honey Harvest started today. I took off 4 supers from my favourite "Blue Quees" hive. Two mediums and one shallow super of "normal" honey and a shallow of cut comb honey. I've not weighed the cut comb honey super yet, but the other three gave me 41 kgs (90 pounds), which I'm really pleased with!!! The blue hive still has another super which is nearly capped so I may be dealing with about 70 kgs (150 lbs) in total from this single hive. Fantastic!!!

I still have another two supers on each of my city hives and three on my "white" hive to go!

I need more buckets!!!

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive! Sounds like you're going to be busy!

