Sunday, October 4, 2009


It seems it's been a poor September, at least as far as nectar flows are concerned.  Other bees out there are also finding food a bit of a problem, so mine are not alone.  Funny really, as the rest of the year was so good for nectar and honey.  Anyway feeding seems the order of the day. Eugene is feeding 4 of his 6 hives - so that is comfort of some sort!

OK, I looked in the hive yesterday and removed the Hive Beetle trap and I inserted the entrance reducer (to the medium entrance). Anyway I am a bit confused by what I saw.

The top hive box has about 4 frames (equivalent) of honey in it but I did not really notice how much pollen - I forgot to look hard for this. There was some capped brood, but I forgot to look for larvae and eggs which I regret now as I did not see my queen.

More confusing is the bottom box. Although all but half of one frame is built out with comb, there is virtually nothing else going on. All cells that I saw (and I did not remove all the frames) were empty of honey, pollen, brood. I'm not sure what this means, if anything, but I am a bit confused. Anyway I added a feeder and gave the bees about 3 litres of 2:1 syrup. And I asked Eugene for his advice!

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