Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve & Psalm 100

There is a superstition in England that at midnight on 24 December bees will hum Psalm 100. Many people of course know this to be total rubbish - its Psalm 23.

Well, I had to find out for myself.  It's now about 12.05 Christmas Day and I have just come in from listening to my girls.  What did I find out?  Well, yes, they were humming. I'm not sure what tune, but they were humming. Also, not being religious, I couldn't say if it was Psalm 23, or 100, or Slade's "So Here It Is Merry Christmas". 

Maybe this has more to do with the scotch and mince pies I have already consumed, or perhaps it's because I have Italian bees in the USA.  I think there are too many variables to deal with easily and I also probably left it too late to set up a proper control group. I'm not sure how I would have done this; using russian and buckfast bees perhaps?  The subject clearly deserves greater thought and attention than I gave it today!.

Hey, but at least I checked, and I wished them a Happy Christmas!

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