Sunday, April 11, 2010

Split started - 6 days before the new Queen arrives!

Well, the first phase of the H2Q split is done. After some discussion and exchanges of e-mails with other members, I reversed the top and bottom hive boxes and inserted a queen excluder between the top and middle boxes. There appear to be about 3 to 4 frames of brood in each of the top and middle boxes. The theory is to give the parent as much brood as possible (or should that be reasonable?). The guidance is about 5 to 6 frames of brood to the parent.  The new queen, which should be young and vital, will therefore get a kick start from the remaining brood.  We'll just have to see what we have when the time come to make the split. Perhaps I won't have to move any!

On Friday I will split the hive, ready for the new Queen, which arrives on Saturday.

During the inspection and reversal the bees were very calm and good tempered - Susan's were quite the opposite!

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