Sunday, March 13, 2011

Developing Nicely!

Brood rearing is coming on nicely in both hives - well both hives are at about the same stage of development; there is brood on 3 frames in each hive.  Well done girls!  So I have to ask what is everyone else experiencing at the moment? Anyway there is plenty of capped and uncapped brood in the hive.  I didn't look for eggs as I didn't figure that was all that important in light of there being lots of larvae present.  A month ago there was no brood in the hives at all!

My hope is that in a week (or maybe two) I will be able to add a second deep to the hive.  The trigger will be when I have about 5 to 6 frames of brood in each of the bottom boxes.  Fingers crossed for a period of nice warm weather.

The pollen patties I have been adding have been taken lightly. By this I mean that some is being eaten, but not much.  This is OK I think as there is a pile of pollen being brought in from outside and there is still quite a lot of honey in the hives.  I just think the bees prefer their food fresh and not 'tinned'!!!

All looks nicely poised for the spring.  I have two queens on order for the 9th April.  If the hives are not looking like there is sufficient brood in them to make nucs then I'm not sure what I will do - I hope someone will want a couple of queens!!!

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