Monday, April 9, 2012

Blooming Garden Bees!

Saturday saw me down at the gardens attending to the hive there.  The bees are still in the medium that I moved to the bottom of the hive.  I didn't see any signs of the queen in this super.  There was however enough brood in the deep hive boxes to enable me to make up a nuc.  I took two frames of eggs and brood, a frame of nectar/pollen etc. and an empty frame placed and them in a nuc box along with a division board feeder.  I left this overnight and went back on Sunday with a new queen to introduce her to the nuc.

No problems!  I took the opportunity to add a second super to the hive and placed this on top of the deeps. I then put the super containing the brood on the top of the stack.  I'm fairly confident the queen isn't in the super so with luck she won't move from the deeps across the super of empty frames. The brood in the super should therefore hatch and leave the frames vacant for honey!

Fingers crossed!

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